Portola Middle School Counseling Department
Our school counselors are here to help students and parents navigate Portola Middle School. School counselors can assist students achieve success in their academics, improve and manage their social/emotional well-being, and explore their college/career interests. Some of the counseling services that we provide, but are not limited to, includes:
- Improving in school work (organization, completion, and studying)
- Meeting promotion requirements (Credit Recovery)
- Conflict Mediation between peers and teachers
- Individual Interventions for personal challenges with family or private life
- Crisis Interventions (self-harm, suicide ideation, anxiety, behavior management)
- Group Interventions (counseling, conflicts, substance information)
- Monitor student 504 Plans, meet with students & communicate with parents/teachers
The Counseling Office is located next to the Main Office. Students can request to see the counselor during class by asking his/her teacher for permission. Students are also welcomed to see the counselors at the beginning of school, during lunchtime, and after school, if the counselors are available.
Abel Salgado
Student Last Names A-L
Sandy Huynh
Student Last Names M-Z